SUSTAINABLE JOBS PROGRAMRural New York can actually take advantage of Climate Change, as thousands of jobs will be created as we transition to a Sustainable Infrastructure. Just like the New Deal created a jobs program that ended the Great Depression and created the Middle Class, a Sustainable Jobs Program will employ thousands of Rural New Yorkers to transition New York’s infrastructure to 100% Carbon Neutrality. Not only will we tackle Climate Change, but we’ll boost Rural New York’s economy while we do it UNIVERSAL HEALTHCAREEveryone deserves healthcare. During the COVID crisis, insurance companies have doubled profits even though millions have lost their health insurance. A Single-payer healthcare system will cost less, will cover all, and will improve healthcare outcomes. The United States is ranked 37th in the world in healthcare for a reason. Let’s change that starting here in New York with the New York Health Act. HIGH-SPEED RURAL INTERNET ACCESSInternet is now essential in today’s world. Just as electric powerlines reach the most Rural regions of New York, it is time to implement broadband as a public utility that serves everyone. Especially now with COVID, remote learning and working from home, we need to make sure everyone in New York has equal access to high speed internet. LEGALIZE MARIJUANANYRPC supports the retroactive decriminalization and regulation of recreational marijuana. NYRPC supports easy access to medical marijuana for those who need it. Likewise, Rural New York farmers need to be involved in the decision-making process and ensured a seat at the table on local Agricultural Boards. HIGH QUALITY PUBLIC EDUCATIONNYRPC supports quality public education as a basic human right, from Pre-K through university and graduate school, including vocational and trade schools. NYRPC supports equitable funding for all school districts and students across New York State. This can be achieved by changing the way schools are funded, to no longer be based on the local tax base. New York State must also distribute the $4.1 billion in Foundation Aid it still owes to New York schools as was decided by the Campaign for Fiscal Equity’s lawsuit. NYRPC supports a richer curriculum for our children including trades, athletics and the arts; after-school activities; enriched special education; and nutritious meal programs. NYRPC supports options for student debt forgiveness, reduction or student loan interest rate reduction. WORKERS DESERVE A LIVING WAGERural New Yorkers deserve a Living Wage. Despite the minimum wage increasing to $12.50/hr on December 31st, 2020 in Rural New York, that is not enough. Not only do we need a $15 minimum wage throughout all of New York State, we need a minimum wage that automatically increases to keep up with inflation. FAIR TAXATIONNew York State currently balances its budget on the backs of working families. It is beyond time for the rich to start paying their fair share, for the working families of New York to get a tax cut, and for the taxes the people of New York pay to be used to benefit all New York Citizens and not to give another tax break to a corporation that’s shipping jobs overseas. FAMILIESNYRPC supports paid family leave, universal affordable quality daycare and preschool, and family-based alternatives to assisted living. Our seniors must be protected from predatory businesses and scam artists. NYRPC also supports a Sustainable Jobs Program, which will create thousands of jobs throughout Rural New York.